& more

High quality is no coincidence - and comes from the Allgäu, a region of Southern Bavaria

Who are we?

A small German CRO based in Memmingen (Allgäu), founded in 2015, with focus on CRO Oversight, Project Management, Monitoring & more.

More than 25 years of CRO experience, paired with experience in the industry, guarantee professional CRO oversight and customer-oriented project management on behalf of sponsors.

Our expertise ranges from clinical studies to non-interventional trials in the field of  Medicines  and Medical Devices.

Why Us?

Individualized treatment

Individual support and concepts, tailored to the customer’s need

High treatment satisfaction

Uncomplicated and adaptable


Working with quality and knowledge within the framework of the requirements

Longer half-life

In business since the introduction of the ICH-GCP rules and still fresh

Wide range of effectiveness

The service does not end at the edge of the box


A good team- a happy site

What do we offer?

We support and advise you in all phases of project execution - from planning, set-up and implementation, to reporting.

With the involvement of external partners for pharmacovigilance, data management and biometry, we are the right CRO for you to carry out complex projects / studies.

CRO Management/Oversight

CRO selection, contract processing, budget control, supervision of operational processes, risk management, SOP handling, project plans & more

Projekt Management

Planning and management of studies, risk management, budget control and timeline monitoring, interface and third-party management & more


On-site and remote monitoring, site management, training of the investigational sites & more

Regulatory Affairs

Submissions to the responsible ethics committees and authorities, fulfillment of the reporting requirements during the study, registration of the study & more

Quality Control

Carrying out audits, co-monitoring, preparation / consultation of sites for planned inspections by authorities & more


Advice and support in the development and revision of SOPs & more

Anything else?

Laughing is healthy...
Side effects?

“Does the medication you prescribed for me have any side effects?” asks the patient. “Yes!” says the doctor, “You should expect to be able to work again.”

July 13, 2024
Lachen ist gesund...

„Hat das Medikament, dass Sie mir verschrieben haben, irgendwelche Nebenwirkungen?“, fragt der Patient. „Ja!“, sagt der Arzt, „Sie müssen damit rechnen, wieder arbeiten zu können.“

July 13, 2024
Wussten Sie schon...
Internationaler Tag der Ersten Hilfe

Im Jahr 2024 findet der internationale Tag der Ersten Hilfe am 14. September statt. Ziel des weltweiten Aktionstags ist es, die Bedeutung fachgerechter Nothilfe bei Unfällen und Katastrophen im öffentlichen Bewusstsein zu verankern.

July 13, 2024
Did you know...
World First Aid Day

In 2024, International First Aid Day will take place on September 14th. The aim of the global day of action is to raise public awareness of the importance of professional emergency aid in the event of accidents and disasters.

July 13, 2024
Laughing is healthy...
Side effects?

“Does the medication you prescribed for me have any side effects?” asks the patient. “Yes!” says the doctor, “You should expect to be able to work again.”

July 13, 2024
By the way...
On our own account!

We are still interested in expanding our freelancer network for the implementation of new projects and look forward to hearing from you.

May 20, 2022

Who takes part?

Make contact

Silke HeEren

Master of Biology with additional training in Quality Management, 25 years of CRO and industrial experience.

Activities as a study nurse, CRA, project manager, line manager for CTAs and PMs, CRO oversight manager, medical manager - also performing quality management-relevant functions (development of SOPs, co-monitoring, quality control, inspection management) and regulatory processes (submissions).

Make contact

Katrin Schmidt

In the Clinical Research Business since completing her biology studies in the year2000. CRO Oversight and Project Management learned from scratch: in the classic way from CRA to global project manager, direct involvement in all operational areas.

Experience in a wide variety of projects, phases and indications in the fields of regulatory affairs, monitoring, project management, vendor management, TMF management, data review, and SOP creation, is the result of 15 years working for a medium-sized CRO and made the foundation of CLINVICES in2015 possible.

Other Team Members

Clinical research professionals with extensive knowledge and experience in project management / assistance, monitoring, quality assurance and medical writing.

From a network of experienced freelancers in the field of project management, monitoring and medical writing, an optimal team is put together that is adapted to the project needs.

Full service projects are standardly performed in cooperation with the CRO medACT-Analysis of Clinical Trials – a company of the Steinbeis group - taking care of data management and biometrical services.

Where do we work?

Our employees are evenly distributed across Germany - from here, our team also covers projects in Switzerland and Austria.

Cooperation with freelancers and CROs abroad are available for the implementation of multinational projects.

Contact us

Sättelinstraße 8
D-87700 Memmingen
Silke Heeren
+49 (0) 8331 498 95 92
Katrin Schmidt
+49 (0) 6044 989 51 39
*mandatory field
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